Sunday, 12 February 2012

Coconut Oil - One of Nature's Many Miracles

Recently we discovered the benefits of coconut oil, especially after reading Bruce Fife's 'The Coconut Oil Miracle.' For those who do not yet know, coconut has so many uses entire books need to be written to explain the many benefits of this amazing food. Many people have the view that because coconut oil is a saturated fat it is bad for you. This is complete garbage, it is actually saturated fats that are good for you and polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that are questionable to your health. The reason being is that saturated fats like coconut oil are made of medium chain fatty acids, which is the same fatty acids found in human breast milk. How can something in human breast milk be bad for you? They even use coconut oil in infant formulas (or rather they used to); it is also fed to premature babies and the elderly. Coconut oil has a complete molecular structure; unlike mono- and poly- unsaturated fats (vegetable oils) which are missing pairs of atoms in the molecular structure. What does this mean? Basically, these 'gaps' in the structure which leaves room for free radicals to enter. These free radicals then cause the vegetable oils to become rancid and free radicals can run rampant in our bodies. Coconut oil is also highly stable and does not change molecularly when heated (below 175 degrees celcius); vegetable oils do which results in free radicals leaching into the food you are about to eat!! Coconut oil goes straight to your liver and gets converted into energy immediately without any effort at all from your liver. This means that whenever you are hungry or want to suppress your appetite (to lose weight) you can just have a spoonful or coconut oil which results in you feeling full, energised and healthy.

The reason coconut oil received bad press was because the vegetable oil giants became money hungry, so they tarnished the benefits of coconut oil with misleading information; for example coconut oil causes heart disease - in reality it PREVENTS heart disease as well as diabetes, cancer, etc; it also helps a person to LOSE weight. The South Pacific Islanders and South Americans have been using coconut in their diets for hundreds of years and there is NO obesity, heart disease, diabetes evident in their society...UNTIL THEY ARE INTRODUCED TO PROCESSED FOODS, then their health just deteriorates rapidly.

Coconut oil is:
* Anti-bacterial
* Anti-viral
* Anti-fungal
* Anti-parasitic 
* Anti-retroviral
* Anti-carcinogenic
* Anti-microbial
* Anti-inflammatory

This site has listed 160 benefits of coconut oil

We have incorporated coconut oil into our own diet through cooking, eating it off the spoon, hair treatments, skin moisturiser and even in salads.

Animals can also reap the benefits of coconut oil. Atlas has been introduced to the miracles of this amazing oil. For the past year he has had the itchiest skin (no he does not have fleas). At least once every hour he would stop and scratch somewhere on his body. We never knew what it was because when we had a look at his skin there was nothing there; not even a rash. When we transitioned Atlas onto TED the itching reduced slightly. However, since we have incorporated coconut oil into his life as well by adding a teaspoon to his meals and moisturising his fur and skin with it; his itching has completely stopped. His coat is shinier and he has a lot more energy.


We found ourselves going through so much coconut oil on a weekly basis that we now buy bulk organic, virgin, coldpressed unrefined coconut oil in bulk - 10 litres. It really is amazing.
It is a FOOD and a MEDICINE.
If you live in Australia we use and recommend NuiLife Coconut Oil also used by Miranda Kerr and her family. They produce the highest quality oil and their customer service is fantastic!

If you would like more information on coconut oil so you can start incorporating it into your life and your pet (if you have one :) ) then we would strongly recommend Bruce Fife's "The Coconut Oil Miracle." It is beautifully written and backed up with scientific evidence as well for the skeptics :) The last chapter also has some really yummy recipes using coconut oil.

Love & Light xox

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