Monday, 12 December 2011


Our plan is to share with you new doggy recipes, exercise tips and basically just life in general for a dog on The Earth Diet. We do hope to expand to other animals, but we will just keep it simple at this stage. Our goal is to transition Atlas onto TED as we believe that all animals should also be given a chance at living a healthy and completely natural life. At the moment Atlas is suffering from itchy skin (including dandruff), laziness (except when it comes to playing fetch) and he can at times be quite moody. So these are some of the things we plan to focus on eradicating through a natural diet and lifestyle for Atlas.

So tonight was the first night we introduced Atlas (affectionately known as Atty) to something completely new. We researched into foods that are beneficial to dogs and came up with "Atty Patties". The ingredients that went into this were lettuce, baby spinach, cucumber, broccoli, brussel sprouts, garlic, eggs and liver (not at all appetising to humans). This was then topped off with some natural, organic yogurt and olive oil. YUM YUM!!!!

The reason behind these ingredient choices is that vibrant leafy greens are FULL of chlorophyll which helps to produce oxygen in the body, and are essential not only to humans but animals as well.They are also packed full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
Some of you may have read the word garlic and taken a sudden inbreath of shock because it is supposedly toxic for dogs. In large amount yes it is, but in small amounts (less than 2 cloves in one hit depending on the size of the dog) it is actually beneficial (we have done our research). Garlic is antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal, and essentially is a blood cleanser. We have only added 2 small cloves to the entire batter mix which will feed Atlas for one week.
Eggs are full of essential fatty acids, protein and calcium (if you add the shell as well like we did).
Liver is very high in iron, protein and other nutrients.
Yogurt for probiotics.
Olive oil for Vitamin E (to help with itchy skin!!)

We placed all of these ingredients into a food processor to fully crush the vegetables. This is because this form of processing provides dogs (and cats) with the best way to digest food. Dogs have a completely different digestive tract than humans; it is a lot shorter. They do not have the digestive enzymes to break down fruit and veggies that is not put through a processor (grating or chopping the vegetables will serve no benefit to your dog).

Fresh green veggies

All ingredients (minus yogurt and olive oil) into the food processor

Whizz whizz

Poured into a bowl and formed into patties

Serve in bowl

Drizzle with yogurt and olive oil to serve!! 

There you go gourmet looking dinner for dogs, and yes Atlas LOVED IT!!!

Until next time LOVE & LIGHT xox

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