My passion lies in helping animals and
the earth in general. I would like to help educated pet owners on feeding their
animal companions natural and unprocessed food, which is the purpose of this
blog. I love nature and spending time in natural environments. I am a country
person and do not like spending much time in the city. I feel I have always
been more connected to animals, than to people as they are carefree, live in
the present and are happy with who they are. I have been surrounded by animals
my entire life and believe I have had somewhere near twenty pets in my family
household I grew up in. I could never imagine not having an animal as a
companion, as they bring so much more to your life.
I would also like to mention that I
have recently had major depression – and the reason I would like to mention
this is because I would like people suffering this and other negative emotions
that there is a choice to be happy. I do not remember all that much of my
depression but Steph told me a lot of the time I was in a catatonic state and
completely unresponsive. She was my strength throughout that period and even
though I felt like giving up she never let me. I think she is the most stubborn
person I know by far. She helped me to see that being happy is a choice and
that if I wanted to feel better I had to choose the path of joy and happiness.
Once I started on this road to happiness, I looked back and could not believe
that I ever felt that way. I vowed that I would never allow myself to go back
to that darkness and I would always look toward the light.
I hope you find this blog informative
and inspiring. I wish to show you how to truly nourish the animals that live
with you through a holistic and natural approach, with foods that are provided
by the earth.

You just have to rise up above it, see
the positive in absolutely everything, don't take anything too seriously and
have FUN!!! I have always tried not to victimise myself even when 99% of the
population would have, particularly when I was in school it was very difficult
for me. But not once did I ever give up. This I think was mainly due to my
extreme stubbornness, strength and rebellious streak in not conforming to
ANYTHING I didn't want to. I have never once been at the point of giving into
the darkness or giving up in general. Although I have been chucked into this
dark hole heaps of times in the past, I just immediately jump back out. In life
you can choose 2 main paths Love/Light or Fear/Darkness. I have and always will
choose the path of love and light. So when the going gets tough I stubbornly
stand there and refuse to get going. I instead choose to see EVERY challenge as
a blessing, EVERY obstacle as a positive lesson and EVERY setback as an
experience to grow from. I have had a few psychics say to me that I am like an
arrow that powers along through life and NOTHING stands in my way. I believe
absolutely everything is possible and everyone and everything has the spark of
love and light in them. You just have to choose to follow the path of love and
light, choose to see the beauty and possibilities in every situation and choose
If I sound like a love/light/happiness
junkie...well then so be it I say. I am high on love and light and energy, which
I haven't come down from in...well ever.I am just so completely passionate
about this time on Earth and helping all these people and lost souls and
spreading my love and light; raising everybody's vibration.
And ALWAYS follow YOUR dreams!!!!
I am a 3 year old German Shepherd who loves my
family. I am obsessed with playing fetch and would love to play all day if I
could J I go for walks or runs every day with
my family and get really really excited when I see another dog because that
means I can meet someone new. I am very protective of my family and always
check the perimeter of our house for any threats on a regular basis. I love
mangoes, yogurt and meat; and I dislike lemons and lettuce. I have fun
splashing around in water when it is hot, but I hate when I have to have baths L I am also very clumsy (which results
in me always hitting my head on walls and running into things) but only because
I am so EXCITED to BE, LOVE and PLAY!!
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